Just a quick note, I published a “new” project on GitHub. I should rather say old. I think I first started this project about one year ago. Since then I have worked on it on and off.

It’s a Might and Magic II style game. It’s been the inspiration for many of my posts including A better algorithm to generate random names, Generating heightmaps using particle deposition and Creating a random 2d game world map, Part 3: Cities, caves and snow.

A few months ago I put the whole thing on a private repo on Bitbucket. At that time I was thinking I might release it as an Indy game someday.

After doing a bit of market research and looking at the cost of having the artwork done, I realized this wasn’t a realistic proposition, so I decided to make it public. I still intend to have the game playable someday, although it will probably be missing the art assets.

Since my public repos are all on GitHub I moved it over there so everything would be at the same place. I also decided to try to integrate existing open-source code in the project to get things done faster rather than code everything myself. Doing everything myself was a learning experience and a lot of fun, but now I want to see some results.


Hopefully, the source code will be useful to someone. Also if anyone is interested to contribute I’d welcome it.

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